design, web
I am currently designing and developing the website for tent, an artist collective I am part of. I am using Sveltekit, Three.js and Directus.
We are a group of artists, writers, curators and collaborators working together on a publication of collectively authored and edited texts about temporary and tentative practices and gestures at the intersection of art and politics.
tent grew out of a monthly reading group where we discuss texts related to art and politics. Through our conversations, common themes emerged (e.g., counter-hegemonic practices and solidarities) that connected both the different texts and our individual areas of work. Wanting our work to remain collaborative and discursive, we are therefore decided on a process of collective editing, where each member contributes a ‘work’ that is then collectively shaped and reconfigured to create a publication of co-authored texts.
We are in the early stages of this process and plan to launch the publication in 2023.